Portsmouth Air Show with the Blue Angels

Boston-Portsmouth Air Show was as the Pease International Airport. They had wide ranging performers from small biplanes to the Navy’s F18 “Blue Angels”. They also had a bunch of static displays. My favorite parts of the show were the performances of the Blue Angels, Jane Wicker, Michael Goulian and Sean D. Tucker. More information about the air show can be found at the show’s website.

I got there at 8:30am and left at 4:00pm. I enjoyed the show. It was a hot, 90 degree day and I was lugging around 20 pounds of camera equipment. By the end of the day, I was tired and had sharp pain in my ankle. The logistics of getting out of the air show was a nightmare. The bus, that was shuttling people out to the parking lots, was stuck in the traffic of the previous bus drop. After an hour of standstill traffic, most of the bus passengers decided to walk the 1/2 mile to the parking lots. I walked with my bad ankle. Finally, I was on my way home at 6pm!

I did get what I wanted from the show… Photos! Here they are:

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