At the NECCC Conference
The New England Camera Camera Club Council (NECCC) 67th annual conference was held at UMass at Amherst, MA. Each club in NECCC is allowed to grant a new club member, a free registration to the conference. I was the recipient of that from the Manchester Camera Club.
I had no expectations from the conference. I was hoping was to learn a bit and meet others with the same interest. The conference was excellent! I was able to fill my calendar with interesting talks. Only one session that I attended was bad. I was inspired by the photographers and the photos. Photographers from Time, National Geographic and even Pulitzer price winners presented. I learnt a lot of Photoshop techniques.
I took a lot of photographs. They had vintage cars, bikes and 17 models! I’ll post the pictures as a series of posts rather than a single large post.
First is a just a set of pictures that were not part of any model shoots: