Grand Teton National Park
After 4 wonderful days in Yellowstone we headed to Grand Teton National Park. Unlike Yellowstone, which was truly a wilderness, Grand Tetons was setup like a tourist attraction. Every main area was well established with facilities with plenty of parking. I guess this is because of the proximity to the ski resorts and the Jackson Hole airport. The Jenny lake area was especially packed with tourists. It was surrounded by many places to stay. And looked like the trail head for many hiking routes into the Tetons.
We were able to cover most of the Tetons in a single day. We spent the next two days revisiting the places we really liked, like the Mormon Row and the Oxbow Bend. We were at the Morman row and the Moulton Barn every morning and evening! Unlike the Jenny lake area, this place was almost deserted. There were a few visitors, but most just took a couple of pictures and went away. We just had to wait a few minutes and we had the place to ourselves.
One morning, I headed out at 4 am to Snake river. I want to do the famous Ansel Adams photo. I was not the only one that had this idea. There were six other photographers already camped out there! I spent a bit of time scouting the area. I wanted to find the right perspective to get the sunrise shot. I didn’t like any from the overlook area. I got my flash light, climbed over the wall and headed closer to the edge of the cliff. I waited and got my before, during and after sunrise shots.
Like the Yellowstone photos, the following photos were quickly processed using my presets. I have to spend more time refining them… but that can wait a bit 🙂